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Baricza, Á., Bajnóczi, B., Kovács, J., May, Z., Szabó, M., Szabó, Cs., Tóth, M.; 2018; Chemical durability of lead-bearing glazes in sulphuric acid solutions - Laboratory experiments performed on Zsolnay architectural ceramics from Budapest (Hungary); International Journal of Architectural Haritage 12; 216-236 DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2017.1396381
Aradi, E.L., Hidas, K., Kovács, I.J., Tommasi, A., Klébesz, R., Garrido, C.J, Szabó, Cs.; 2017; Fluid-enhanced annealing in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the westernmost margin of the Carpathian-Pannonian Extensional Basin System; Tectonics 36; 2987-3011 DOI: 10.1002/2017TC004702
Király, Cs., Szabó, Zs., Szamosfalvi, Á., Kónya, P., Szabó, Cs., Falus, Gy.; 2017; How much CO2 is trapped in carbonate minerals of a natural CO2 occurrence?; Energy Procedia 125; 527-534 DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.180
Sendula, E., Páles, M., Szabó P.B., Udvardi, B., Kovács, I., Kónya, P., Freiler, Á., Besnyi, A., Király, Cs., Székely E., Szabó, Cs., Falus, Gy.; 2017; Experimental study of CO2-saturated water - illite/kaolinite/montmorillonite system at 70-80 °C, 100-105 bar; Energy Procedia 114; 4934-4947 DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1635
Berkesi, M., Káldos, R., Park, M., Török, K., Németh, B., Czuppon, Gy., Szabó, Cs.; 2017; Detection of small amounts of N2 in CO2-rich high-density fluid inclusions from mantle xenoliths; European Journal of Mineralogy 29; 423-431 DOI: 10.1127/ejm/2017/0029-2615
Liptai, N., Patkó, L., Kovács, J.I., Hidas, K., Pintér, Zs., Jeffries, T., Zajacz, Z., O’Reilly, Y.S., Griffin, L.W., Pearson, J.N., Szabó, Cs.; 2017; Multiple metasomatism beneath the Nógád–Gömör Volcanic Field (northern Pannonian Basin) revealed by upper mantle peridotite xenoliths; Journal of Petrology 58, 1107-1144 DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egx048
Créon, L., Rouchon, V., Youssef, S., Rosenberg, E., Delpech, G., Szabó, Cs., Remusat, L., Mostefaoui, S., Asimow, P.D., Antoshechkina, P.M., Ghiorso, M.S., Boller, E., Guyot, F.; 2017; Highly CO2-supersaturated melts in the Pannonian lithospheric mantle - A transient carbon reservoir?; Lithos 286-287; 519-533 DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2016.12.009
Szabó, K., Jordan, Gy., Petrik, A., Horváth, Á., Szabó, Cs.; 2017; Spatial analysis of ambient gamma dose equivalent rate data by means of digital image processing techniques; Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 166; 309-320 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.07.013
Hidas, K., Konc, Z., Garrido, C.J., Tommasi, A., Vauchez, A., Padrón-Navarta, J.A., Marchesi, C., Boot-Rea, G., Acosta-Vigil, A., Szabó, Cs., Varas-Reus, M.I., Gervilla, F.; 2016; Flow in the western Mediterranean shallow mantle: Insights from xenoliths in Pliocene alkali basalts from SE Iberia (eastern Betics, Spain); Tectonics 35; 2657-2676 DOI: 10.1002/2016TC004165
Udvardi, B., Kovács, I., Szabó, Cs., Falus, Gy., Újvári, G., Besnyi, A., Bertalan, É., Budai, F., Horváth, Zs.; 2016; Origin and weathering of landslide material in a loess area: a geochemical study of the Kulcs landslide; Environmental Earth Sciences 75; 1299 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-6103-6
Király, Cs., Szamosfalvi, A., Zilahi-Sebess, L., Kónya, P., Kovács, I.J., Sendula, E., Szabó, Cs., Falus, Gy.; 2016; Caprock analysis from the Mihályi-Répcelak natural CO2 occurrence, Western Hungary; Environmental Earth Sciences 75, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-5399-6
Baricza, Á., Bajnóczi, B., Szabó, M., Tóth, M., Bendő, Zs., Szabó, Cs.; 2016; Deterioration of glazed architectural ceramics due to environmental factors: a comparative of two buildings in Budapest; Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 11; 449-462
Baricza, Á., Bajnóczi, B., Tóth, M., Káldos, R., Szabó, Cs.; 2016; Characterization of particulate matter in attic and settled dusts collected from two buildings in Budapest, Hungary in Prikryl, R. et al. (eds.) Sustainable Use of Traditional Geomaterials in Construction Practice; Geological Society, London, Special Publications 416; 239-252
Szabó, Zs., Hellevang, H., Király, Cs., Sendula, E., Kónya, P., Falus, Gy., Török, Sz., Szabó, Cs.; 2016; Experimental-modelling geochemical study of potential CCS caprocks in brine and CO2-saturated brine; International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 44, 262-275
Nédli, Zs., Szabó, Cs.; Dégi, J.; 2015; Orthopyroxene-enrichment in the lherzolite-websterite xenolith suite from Paleogene alkali basalts of the Poiana Rusca Mts. (Romania); Geologica Carpathica 66/6; 499-514
Káldos, R., Guzmics, T., Mitchell, R.H., †Dawson, J.B., Milke, R., Szabó, Cs.; 2015; A melt evolution model for Kerimasi volcano, Tanzania: Evidence from carbonate melt inclusions in jacupirangite; Lithos 238; 101-119
Zacháry, D., Jordan, Gy., Völgyesi, P., Bartha, A., Szabó, Cs.; 2015; Urban geochemical mapping for spatial risk assessment of multisource potentially toxic elements - a case study in city of Ajka, Hungary; Journal of Geochemical Exploration 158; 186-200
Németh, B., Török, K., Kovács, I., Szabó, Cs., Abart, R., Dégi, J., Mihály, J., Németh, Cs.; 2015; Melting, fluid migration and fluid-rock interactions in the lower crust beneath the Bakony-Balaton Highland volcanic field: a silicate melt and fluid inclusion study; Mineralogy and Petrology 109; 217-234
Guzmics, T., Zajacz, Z., Mitchell, R.H., Szabó, Cs., Wälle, M.; 2015; The role of liquid–liquid immiscibility and crystal fractionation in the genesis of carbonatite magmas: insights from Kerimasi melt inclusions; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology DOI: 10.1007/s00410-014-1093-4
Klébesz, R., Gráczer, Z., Szanyi, Gy., Liptai, N., Kovács, I., Patkó, L., Pintér, Zs., Falus, Gy., Wesztergom, V., Szabó, Cs.; 2015; Constraints on the thickness and seismic properties of the lithosphere in an extensional setting (Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field, Northern Pannonian Basin); Acta Geodaetica at Geophysica Hungarica 50; 133-149
Breitner, D., Osán, J., Fábián, M., Zagyvai, P., Szabó, Cs., Dahn, R., Marques F., M., Sajó, I.E., Máthé, Z., Török, Sz.; 2015; Characteristics of uranium uptake of Boda Claystone Formation as the candidate host rock of high level radioactive waste repository in Hungary; Environmental Earth Sciences 73; 209-2019